Sunday, 21 April 2013

Jurassic Park fever

I loved Dinosaurs as a kid and I'm not ashamed to say that I have never outgrown this love. I'm still very much interested in any dinosaur news; be it from popular press or research papers.

With Jurassic Park 3D currently showing in the cinemas, I find myself surfing through YouTube with search terms like "Jurassic Park", "Dinosaurs", "T Rex" etc. One of the vidoes I found on YouTube was  a recreation of Jurassic Park, in the game "Minecraft". I've never played Minecraft as I was not too sold on the concept of the game. Nevertheless, I found this recreation to be really cool as it captured and recreated iconic locales like the visitor centre, gate of Jurassic park and the raptor pens. It brought back waves of nostalgia when I first watched the movie on the big screen when I was a kid. The video is shown below- kudos to Josh Collins for his effort in making this "Minecraft world".

Cool stuff right? Now I wish Jurassic Park 4 will be in production and released soonish. Regarding the feathers on Dinosaurs issue- I guess I'm ok with Dinosaurs in the new Jurassic Park movie not having feathers. These are genetic recreations with sequence gaps in their original DNA template, what's a little assisted priming and "directed" mutation between movie-goers? Oh and yes, If they could also develop a sequel to the park building game, "Jurassic Park:Operation Genesis" I would be ecstatic.